Each Service User at Jasmine House has an individual activities plan, which has been created and implemented by the Service
User, with staff support.
As a whole we offer a wide range of in-house activities including arts and craft, pool, table tennis, gardening, trampolining,
Wii sports & games and pamper sessions.
We are members of a drama group, a separate art group and have regular trips out to the cinema, discos, bowling, bars, football
matches and restaurants, plus trips planned around individual activity plans such as music festivals, the fun fair and the theatre
to name a few.
The staff at Jasmine House work closely with local Learning Disability Colleges and Work Placement Schemes which all Service
Users will be offered the opportunity to access to fulfil all their academic and creative needs, in-conjunction with learning and practising new life skills. All service users have gym memberships and where appropriate, religious services can be attended.
We have two company vehicles which allow service users to access the community at all times.
Regular Service User meetings determine the destination of the annual holiday, to ensure all Service User’s needs and choices
are taken into consideration.
Alternative therapies can be arranged including massage, reflexology, beauty treatments and chiropody.
Jasmine House 30 Higher Lane Fazakerley Liverpool L9 9DJ Telephone: 0151 525 0876 Website: www.jadhealthcare.com