The care at Jasmine House is delivered by a dedicated and professional multidisciplinary team of staff, committed to providing
quality care, focused on the needs of the Service Users.
The home is run by a manager, who has over 12 years of experience and a deputy manager with over 10 years of experience,
with both members of the management team holding Registered Managers Awards (RMA).
The management applies a hands on approach, guaranteeing a member of the management team, on shift, every day supported
by a senior support worker and 4 additional support workers. Throughout the night two waking support workers are on duty, with
a senior member of staff on call.
The high staff ratio ensures a highly supportive framework of care within which Service Users can achieve their full potential in
a safe environment, with dignity and respect, whilst being able to explore freedom of choice and expression, and make decisions associated with everyday living.
Each Service User has an individual care package, specifically planned to reflect his or her personal needs and choices.
A keyworker is assigned to each Service User, selected for their suitability in relation to the Service User’s passions and interest,
ensuring a holistic approach to individual care and daily fulfilment.
The staff at Jasmine House work side-by-side with professionals from the local community learning disabilities teams, general practitioners and all other professional bodies, ensuring a consistent and person centred caring approach.
Jasmine House 30 Higher Lane Fazakerley Liverpool L9 9DJ Telephone: 0151 525 0876 Website: